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I can't use HTML but I'd like to format my text. How can I do this?
For security reasons you can't use HTML in your posts. However, we offer alternative codes you can use . These are easy to use and similar to HTML.
You can also use multiple tags. e.g. if you want to display "Visit my Forum!" in red and bold print, type in the following:
[b][rot]Visit my Forum![/rot][/b]
Additionally you have the following options:
[b]Your text[/b] | Displays bold text. |
[i]Your text[/i] | Displays italic text. |
[red]Your text[/red] | Displays red text |
[green]Your text[/green] | Displays green text. |
[blue]Your text[/blue] | Displays blue text. |
[orange]Your text[/orange] | Displays orange text. |
[black]Your text[/black] | Displays black text. |
[purple]Your text[/purple] | Displayspurple text. |
You can also use multiple tags. e.g. if you want to display "Visit my Forum!" in red and bold print, type in the following:
[b][rot]Visit my Forum![/rot][/b]
Additionally you have the following options:
[url][/url] | |
[url=]Create your own forum![/url] | Create your own forum! |
[img][/img] | Inserts an image in your post. |
[email][/email] | Inserts an email address in you post. |
[line] | inserts a horizontal ruler |
[small]Your text[/small] | Displays small text. |
[big]Your text[/big] | Displays large text. |
[pre]Preformatted text[/pre] | Displays preformatted text, |
[code]Your text[/code] | Displays source text without interpreting forum code. |
[style=font-size:12pt]Your text[/style] | Formats your text using CSS (advanced option) |
What are "Private Messages"?
"Private Messages" are like e-mails. However, you can send them directly from the forum. You can send messages to every member of the Forum that only the recipient can see. You need to be a registered member to use this feature.
What are "moderators?"
Moderators are members with special privileges.
Moderators are appointed by the administrator in order to keep to forums "clean and tidy". I.e. they watch out for illegal contents or insulting behavior. To fulfill this task, they have a few additional user rights (e.g. they can close or move threads and can delete messages of other users).
If you are interested in becoming a moderator, please get in touch with the administrator of the forum.
Moderators are appointed by the administrator in order to keep to forums "clean and tidy". I.e. they watch out for illegal contents or insulting behavior. To fulfill this task, they have a few additional user rights (e.g. they can close or move threads and can delete messages of other users).
If you are interested in becoming a moderator, please get in touch with the administrator of the forum.
What is a "thread"?
In electronic forums, a "thread" is a set of messages (at least theoretically) discussing the same topic. That's why it is sometimes referred to as 'topic'.
How can I create a thread? What do I have to keep in mind when I create a thread?
Why should I register?
What is a signature? How can I change my signature?
What rules apply in the forum?
Can I start my own forum?
What's my profile guestbook?
If you enable the profile guestbook, other members may leave messages for you to see.
What's the Activity Feed?
The activity feed is a listing of all forum action. It's the easiest way to find out what you missed while you were offline.
How do I add pictures to my posts?
The easiest way to include images to you post is to use the "add file" funktion. After you have uploaded the image(s), you can click on insert to open the insert file dialogue. Within the dialog, you may choose the image size or alignment before adding it to the post.
What file types may i upload as attachments to a forum post?
We currently support uploading files with a size of up to 2 Mb and one of the following file types:.jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png, .sxw, .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .ppsx, .xlsx, .odt, .sxc, .xls, .zip, .rar, .mp3, .xml, .vsd
$content .= $user['address'];
$content .= "
Balance"; $content .= toSatoshi($user['balance'])." {$faucetCurrencies[$websiteCurrency][1]}"; $content .= "Account/Stats/Withdraw "; $claimStatus = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM faucet_settings WHERE id = '11' LIMIT 1")->fetch_assoc()['value']; if($claimStatus == "yes"){ $timer = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM faucet_settings WHERE id = '5' LIMIT 1")->fetch_assoc()['value']; $minReward = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM faucet_settings WHERE id = '6' LIMIT 1")->fetch_assoc()['value']; $maxReward = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM faucet_settings WHERE id = '7' LIMIT 1")->fetch_assoc()['value']; if($minReward != $maxReward){ $content .= alert("success", " Rewards: ".$minReward." to ".$maxReward." {$faucetCurrencies[$websiteCurrency][1]} every ".$timer." minutes"); } else { $content .= alert("success", " Rewards: ".$maxReward." {$faucetCurrencies[$websiteCurrency][1]} every ".$timer." minutes"); } $nextClaim = $user['last_claim'] + ($timer * 60); if(time() >= $nextClaim){ if($user['claim_cryptokey'] == ""){ $cryptoGenNumber = rand(1,256); $cryptoKey = hash('sha256', ("Key_".$user['id'].time().$cryptoGenNumber)); $mysqli->query("UPDATE faucet_user_list Set claim_cryptokey = '$cryptoKey' WHERE id = '{$user['id']}'"); header("Location: index.php"); exit; } if($_GET['c'] != "1"){ $content .= " 1. Claim"; } else if($_GET['c'] == "1"){ if($_POST['verifykey'] == $user['claim_cryptokey']){ $mysqli->query("UPDATE faucet_user_list Set claim_cryptokey = '' WHERE id = '{$user['id']}'"); if(!is_numeric($_POST['selectedCaptcha'])) exit; $captchaCheckVerify = CaptchaCheck($_POST['selectedCaptcha'], $_POST, $mysqli); if(!$captchaCheckVerify){ $content .= alert("danger", "Captcha is wrong. Try again."); } else if($_SESSION['checker'] != $_POST['secc2']){ $content .= alert("danger", "Wrong Secondary Captcha. Try again."); } else { $VPNShield = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM faucet_settings WHERE id = '14' LIMIT 1")->fetch_assoc()['value']; $iphubApiKey = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM faucet_settings WHERE id = '22' LIMIT 1")->fetch_assoc()['value']; if(checkDirtyIp($realIpAddressUser, $iphubApiKey) == true AND $VPNShield == "yes"){ $content .= alert("danger", "VPN/Proxy/Tor is not allowed on this faucet. Please disable and try again."); } else { $nextClaim2 = time() - ($timer * 60); $IpCheck = $mysqli->query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM faucet_user_list WHERE ip_address = '$realIpAddressUser' AND last_claim >= '$nextClaim2'")->fetch_row()[0]; if($IpCheck >= 1){ $content .= alert("danger", "Someone else claimed in your network already."); } else { $IpCheckBan = $mysqli->query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM faucet_banned_ip WHERE ip_address = '$ip'")->fetch_row()[0]; $AddressCheckBan = $mysqli->query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM faucet_banned_address WHERE address = '{$user['address']}' OR address = '{$user['ec_userid']}'")->fetch_row()[0]; if($IpCheckBan >= 1 OR $AddressCheckBan >= 1){ $content .= alert("danger", "Your Address and/or IP is banned from this service."); } else { $content .= " 3. Your Claim"; srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $payOut = rand($minReward, $maxReward); $payOutBTC = $payOut / 100000000; $timestamp = time(); $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO faucet_transactions (userid, type, amount, timestamp) VALUES ('{$user['id']}', 'Payout', '$payOutBTC', '$timestamp')"); $mysqli->query("UPDATE faucet_user_list Set balance = balance + $payOutBTC, last_claim = '$timestamp' WHERE id = '{$user['id']}'"); $content .= alert("success", "You've claimed successfully ".$payOut." {$faucetCurrencies[$websiteCurrency][1]}.You can claim again in ".$timer." minutes!"); $referralPercent = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM faucet_settings WHERE id = '15' LIMIT 1")->fetch_assoc()['value']; if($referralPercent >= 1){ if($user['referred_by'] != 0){ $referralPercentDecimal = floor($referralPercent) / 100; $referralCommission = floor($referralPercentDecimal * $payOut); $referralCommissionBTC = $referralCommission / 100000000; $mysqli->query("UPDATE faucet_user_list Set balance = balance + $referralCommissionBTC WHERE id = '{$user['referred_by']}'"); $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO faucet_transactions (userid, type, amount, timestamp) VALUES ('{$user['referred_by']}', 'Referral', '$referralCommissionBTC', '$timestamp')"); } } } } } } } else { $mysqli->query("UPDATE faucet_user_list Set claim_cryptokey = '' WHERE id = '{$user['id']}'"); $content .= alert("danger", "Abusing the system is not allowed. Try again"); } } } else { $timeLeft = floor(($nextClaim - time()) / 60); $content .= alert("warning", "You have already claimed in the last ".$timer." minutes. You can claim again in ".$timeLeft." minutes. Refresh"); } } else { $content .= alert("warning", "Faucet is disabled."); } $referralPercent = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM faucet_settings WHERE id = '15' LIMIT 1")->fetch_assoc()['value']; if($referralPercent != "0"){ $content .= ' '; } } else { $faucetName = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM faucet_settings WHERE id = '1'")->fetch_assoc()['value']; $content .= " ".$faucetName.""; $content .= "
Welcome to our site.Happy earnings!";
$faucetpayApiToken = $mysqli->query("SELECT value FROM faucet_settings WHERE id = '19'")->fetch_assoc()['value'];
$blockioApiKey = $mysqli->query("SELECT value FROM faucet_settings WHERE id = '20'")->fetch_assoc()['value'];
if(!isset($_POST['token']) || $_POST['token'] !== $_SESSION['token']) {
$_SESSION['token'] = md5(md5(uniqid().uniqid().mt_rand()));
$_SESSION['token'] = md5(md5(uniqid().uniqid().mt_rand()));
$Address = $mysqli->real_escape_string(trim($_POST['address']));
$addressCheck = (strlen($Address) >= 30 && strlen($Address) <= 50);
$content .= alert("danger", "The Bitcoin address doesn't look valid.");
$alertForm = "has-error";
} else {
// Check Referral
$referID2 = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_COOKIE['refer']);
$AddressCheck = $mysqli->query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM faucet_user_list WHERE id = '$referID2'")->fetch_row()[0];
if($AddressCheck == 1){
$referID = $referID2;
} else {
$referID = 0;
} else {
$referID = 0;
} else {
$referID = 0;
$AddressCheck = $mysqli->query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM faucet_user_list WHERE LOWER(address) = '".strtolower($Address)."' LIMIT 1")->fetch_row()[0];
$timestamp = $mysqli->real_escape_string(time());
$ip = $mysqli->real_escape_string($realIpAddressUser);
if($AddressCheck == 1){
$userID = $mysqli->query("SELECT id FROM faucet_user_list WHERE LOWER(address) = '".strtolower($Address)."' LIMIT 1")->fetch_assoc()['id'];
$_SESSION['address'] = $userID;
$mysqli->query("UPDATE faucet_user_list Set last_activity = '$timestamp', ip_address = '$ip' WHERE id = '$userID'");
} else {
$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO faucet_user_list (address, ip_address, balance, joined, last_activity, referred_by, last_claim, claim_cryptokey) VALUES ('$Address', '$ip', '0', '$timestamp', '$timestamp', '$referID', '0', '')");
$_SESSION['address'] = $mysqli->insert_id;
header("Location: index.php");
} else {
$content .= alert("danger", "The {$websiteCurrency} address field can't be blank.");
$alertForm = "has-error";
$content .= " ";
$tpl->assign("content", $content);